Tuesday, January 25, 2011

12 hours later

we cleaned and finished the floor in the garage

What do you do when your 2 year-old is feeling a little neglected. I'm not neglecting him, but I think it's hard on him to have to compete for my attention. He's used to being the one and only. If I am taking a picture of Kennedy I hear "Picture of Emerson" and need to take equal amount of pictures of Emerson. Instead of finding me in my bed when he wakes up, he finds me holding Kennedy in her room. Possibly he thinks it's supposed to be him I'm sitting with. So today while nursing Kennedy at 2am. Emerson walks in. We go into his room to put him to bed, but he follows us back into the Nursery. I fall asleep in the reclined nursing chair with a nursing Kennedy in my arms and Emerson snuggled in my lap. Finally at 6:00 am I had to pee and couldn't sit there any longer, although both my babies were sleeping. Waking them both up, I run to the restroom. So the day has begun and it's time for milk for Emerson and hopefully a movie that he will sleep to but alas by 10 am he has stripped himself naked and refusing to wear a diaper. We spend our time on non-carpeted surfaces. Suddenly he runs from my bathroom to the kids bathroom and poo's all over the floor. :) at least he was trying for the potty and he missed the carpet in his effort. I just don't know how mom's do the potty training thing. I think he might be ready, but I also think he just doesn't want to wear his diaper. He is also just transitioning into a really good two-year-old using the word "No" a lot and being demanding, but changing his mind every second. Refusing to take his nap today he finally passed out in the living room around 3 pm. It would have been an even longer day without a nap.

On the bright side I got a baby swing yesterday. I feel like I am cheating. I just put Kennedy in the swing, she quiets for a long while and I am free to do whatever I please. I should have got the swing sooner.

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