Tuesday, October 5, 2010

General Conference

Wow, wasn't General Conference wonderful and inspiring!! I can't decide which talk and what theme I thought was most important and most meaningful to me. . . How about you??
For those of you privileged to attend the Relief Society Meeting the week prior I loved the Prophets message and story of the sister looking out her window at what appeared to be her neighbors dirty laundry when in reality it was the dirt on her window she was seeing. I also loved President Monson's message of Gratitude during his Sunday morning talk. Of course Elder Ochdorf's talk about simplifying life must have hit home to everyone in ear shot of his words. How true it is that we need to keep to the fundamental basics of life and not allow all the clutter to clutter out what is most important.
I also have to say after living in the bay area and being right in the middle of the gay right conflict with Proposition 8 for gay marriage I feel a deep sense of respect for Elder Packer. He doesn't mix words and although what he says may not be popular or feel good fussy, he is willing to step out and speak the word of God. To stand and speak words that are not easily accepted is something I don't really like to do, I respect the 12 apostles for their exemplary lives and examples that continue to motivate me to re-evaluation and improvement.
Isn't General Conference Great!! Truly I look forward to it, all year, twice a year.

1 comment:

Jenilee said...

I also loved Pres. Uchtdorf's talk. Getting back to the basics is exactly what I needed to hear. I love the spirit that conference brings. Even when kids make difficult to hear everything, the spirit is still felt.
I am so grateful for the internet making it possible for us to watch it at home.